Super Z in Istanbul


Thursday, November 30, 2006

and the results are?

I have to wait another 90 minutes to find out the results of my master's degree exams online, at least that's what the LSE website says...

I KNOW I passed. I could have emailed my tutor before now to find out the results, but I figured I'd wait. My best bud from my program got his results, with the highest possible grade awarded. However I don't think his genius rubbed off on me over the course of the year. I kept up with my work and reading, I studied hard for the exams.

LSE's grading system is whacked. 50+ is Passing. 60+ is a Merit. 70+ is a Distinction. Its impossible to get over a 75. 90+ is reserved for the Queen.

Its really hard to fail (even though one of my good friends failed her exams, but that was her own doing). Even if a student fails the exams and/or dissertation, everyone has a 2nd shot.

I worked my ASS OFF all year because I was aiming for a Merit. Granted my dissertation is yet to be handed in and graded deciding my overall grade, but the exam grades are a good indicator of how it will be awarded.

Once again, the grade for the entire degree is determined by 2 factors: exam score and dissertation score. ALL exams are taken in June, regardless if the course was in the Fall.

I'm not exactly feeling the "anxiety" of it all to the best of my knowledge, but maybe I am. I have only my dissertation left to finish my degree. So much of life has felt like its been up in the air for months. And of course after leaving London I entered into a whole new realm of "what happens next???".

I don't handle uncertainty well. Although some people say I do. I appreciate encouraging comments.

Monday, November 27, 2006

Another episode in the book of weird dreams...

So I had another one of my recurring dreams last night, its been a few months. Its the one where I find a neglected toddler...

This time he was a little blonde haired boy, about 3 years old, too small
for his age. He was in a small, dim room that was crowded with cribs. It was
apparent that the woman looking after the kids didn't pay much attention to
him. He was never really held or let out of his crib much. I saw him and
went over and talked to him, noticing that he didn't have very strong legs
from lack of use. He couldn't walk yet. So I picked him up and coddled him
awhile, and stood him up. Poor little guy couldn't stand alone so I held him
up. Then sat him down and stretched his arms and legs. He got strong really fast and after a little while he could stand on his own.

Strange recurring dreams, I know. Super A thinks night time dreams come true. Well if his come true, then that's really cool, I like his dreams. He says he doesn't remember his dreams much, but he's told me a few.

As for mine, they're fine as dreams until I am in a position to adopt the world.

Sunday, November 26, 2006

reconnecting with an old time favorite

So today I started writing my dissertation. I have most of an Intro. I may go back to proceeding with another section shortly. Super A is even out of the house so I can't blame him for my un-productivity.

In the meantime I'm reconnecting over the net with one of my favorite things in the world...nope you didn't guess right... MIDGETS!

I just absolutely love midgets. And I don't think its un-PC to say so. I mean people say they love celebrities or sports figures all the time. OK so maybe midgets are a different genre, but people say they like "Christians" or "African-Americans" or "Blondes". So what's wrong with saying I like midgets?

Maybe its just something people don't like to admit or to talk about. Sometimes when I see a Person-With-Special-Needs walking down the street I just want to go hug them and be their friend. (Dude, they're some cool people and great friends!)

What's so wrong with that? Guys see a hot chick walking down the street and want to grab her ass or do naughty things to her, and I'm the bad one?

Its not like I want a midget to be my pet or put in a cage. I just LIKE THEM. They fascinate me. Little People are COOL.

(By the way, I've only seen 1 Turkish midget so far in Istanbul.)

Friday, November 24, 2006

better day

So today we're feeling much better. The sun is shining and the weather is VERY nice for the end of November. I opened a few of the windows to air out the house.

Thursday, November 23, 2006

2nd year with no Thanksgiving

This is my 2nd year in a row with no Thanksgiving because I've been living abroad. There are ups and downs to everything and one of the downers to being an "international person" is missing holidays. So I'm trying not to think about it.

We're trying not to be somber about Monday's events. Working on getting through it. If anyone knows of a good immigration lawyer to start helping us with the paperwork for me to bring my fiance to the US to marry and live, please let me know.

Monday, November 20, 2006

'Tis a sad day in Toon Town....

We went for his Visitor Visa today, they said no.

They didn't look at my parents' invitation letters. They didn't look at his bank account information. They did not consider the apartment contract or bills in his name.

They said he needs to own property to establish substantial ties to Turkey, to guarantee his return.

They told me I we need to apply for a fiance visa (which takes 9 months to get). And then we would have to be married within 90 days in the USA. I told them I have a job in Turkey and I will be applying for my residence visa here... it didn't matter.

They said his English is very good and it would be too easy for him to find a job and stay.

It's hard for a 27 year old anywhere to OWN property. And yet, MILLIONS of illegal immigrants are residing in the USA, own property and cars and get loans, recieve public benefits, attend universities, have good jobs, etc. and heads look the other way.

So all in all, my fiance was denied a Visitor Visa for a 20 day trip because its too likely he could be a productive member of American Society.

This is the country you live in...Don't get me wrong, its not that I'm anti-American, I love my country because its my home. I love my country because of what I grew up thinking about it. I am an American Girl who was raised on "the promises", the American promises-as long as I don't fall in love with and want to marry a man of the wrong nationality.

So they denied him a Visitor Visa. But there are no laws around our hearts.

Sunday, November 19, 2006

All I want for Christmas

Tomorrow's the big day at the US consulate! Wish us luck! We have to leave our house by 6:20am and spend a few hours on the bus. (Istanbul is a HUGE city!) We went through everything again and have it all together, I can't find any reason why they would deny him a visa. Regardless, we're both nervous.

This will be Super-A's first Christmas...and it will no doubt be a Christmas overload. The other night I told him about Christmas trees, church on Christmas eve, Christmas parties and presents.

I've done a lot of thinking about it, but I don't know if there's anyway to prepare a newcomer for the Lunn Family Christmas. But I don't know if the usual "shock and awe" campaign will work on this one folks, it may get lost in translation.

All I want for Christmas is a tourist visa for my baby!!!

Thursday, November 16, 2006

procrastinating with a post

So we go on Monday for A's visa appointment at the American Consulate. I've dotted all the "i"s and crossed all the "t"s. We're both a bit nervous, just hoping they will say yes so we can come to Chicago together for Christmas. Wish us luck!

Yesterday I realised just how much I crave adventure and excitement in my life, I need it. I think there will be plenty for a long time to come living here.

This morning I didn't feel so well. I sent A out to look for a job. He's been gone for 3 hours and now I wish he were home. I told him that it will be easier for me to write my thesis with him gone, but have I done ANYTHING yet??? Redundant question...OK, well I finally did pick up my mess out of the living room that was sitting there for a week. Now I'm making fried potatoes. I'm craving grilled cheese, but I don't think the cheese we have would melt well. Oh yeah, and I'm SICK of goat cheese already!!! I want some Velveeta to make a sloppy grilled cheese with! I want a Jani's pizza! whine, whine, whine.

Also, I did apply email for a freelance job, photographing buildings for a company in the USA. Maybe I didn't send them the BEST samples of my work, but whatever. The following post is what I sent them.

the pics

All of these pics are from my Balkans trip last year. Maybe I should have put that in my email? I just realised they'll think I'm whacked. Se le vie. From top to bottom: Dubrovnik, Croatia at night; Graveyard outside of an Orthodox monastary in Bosnia; a devastated building in Mostar, Bosnia; a destroyed house in landmine country in Bosnia.

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

been a long time

Yes it has been a long time since my last post.

Things are going well. I went to London for a stint, came back with a dear friend, she just left yesterday. I stayed with her for most of my time in London, so we've been together for 3 weeks and now she's gone :( . She may come for a visit again in June.

A and I really love to have company. Its not that we get bored of each other, but we both love people and love to entertain and have guests.

I'm on schedule for all of my "doings" so to speak, so no worries on that folks.

Just gettin' a bit homesick lately... I'll be home next month. Poor A, he just doesn't know what do to when I get down about missing my family and friends. I was asleep, went to bed very early, but woke up at 2:30am to a phone call from a friend in WA. So happy to hear from her, but haven't been able to get back to sleep yet.

This morning I got a call from the English school, they will hire me in January after I'm back from the USA! WOOHOOOO!!!! Not that its a GREAT job, but hell its a job. They'll give me as many hours as I want, and the pay will definitely be enough.

I'm also keeping my fingers crossed, because my CV is being hand delivered to the Worldwide Head of Marketing for SC Johnson Wax---they need marketing people in Istanbul. Now THAT would be a great job and company to work for!!!!