Super Z in Istanbul


Saturday, September 30, 2006

...and this is how the love story starts

When I first went to London my regional area of focus for genocide/ethnic conflict resolution was the Balkans, former Yugoslavia. (I had been to Croatia & Slovenia once 3 years ago). I even took Serbian-Croatian language classes, and last Xmas spent 3 weeks traveling Croatia, Bosnia, Serbia & Kosovo. Arrived back in London and decided I hated the area and there was no way I was going to look for work there.

My first trip to Turkey was at the end of June. It was after my exams and a treat for myself-I was still recovering from a pretty bad concussion/head injury from a violent assault on the street in London in May.

Anyway, lots of Brits vacation in Turkey and a Brit friend and I found a cheap holiday there so we went. Our second eve there we went to eat in a restaurant. The waiter was a bit too cheeky and a little rude. I was having a MAJOR fat day---it was 115 degrees F and I was bloated as hell, on top of ending a very stressful exam period full of fried food and tons of beer.

So the waiter comes over to our table and asks me if I'm preggo! (I really couldn't blame anyone for thinking that, but asking???) I said no, I'm just fat. He asked me if I was sure and if he could touch my stomach. I told him to get the fuck away from me. Well he didn't. Lucy and I were going to leave the eatery and walk on the beach, but the waiter and the manager kept us there talking & laughing until 4:30 am.

And the waiter was Alaattin. For him it was love at first sight, for me yeah he was gorgeous, but just eye candy-the Turks are generally a beautiful people.
That week my head was spinning. It all seemed so unreal, so fairytale. (But that's the way I always knew it had to happen for me-the guy loves me at first sight and then does everything possible to get me.) I had been through 2 months of hell and a stressful previous 18 months and needed a major change. Yeah its fun traveling all over God's green earth, but its also lonely as hell.
He told me he wanted me to be his wife after 3 days. Said he knew I was the one for him the first time he looked in my eyes.

After I left Turkey he called me every day. A few weeks later, I went back for a week to make sure. I knew I had no where to go come Sept, throw a dart at the map and go. I put money away 5 years ago before I started uni for when I was ready to "begin life".
I had no intentions of moving back to the USA and didn't want to stay in the UK.
Turkey is actually a great place for me to be career-wise. Couldn't have happened more perfect-it’s an up and coming political and economic powerhouse. And international politics is my gig, soo...
I came to Istanbul the day after my housing contract expired in London. We were engaged that day.He's been a true God-send for me, coming into my life when I was struggling like never before to keep the colors from running off the canvas of life, like a chalk drawing on the sidewalk in the rain.

here's the ring!

The ring is gold and silver. Here in Turkey engagement rings are typically gold (yay! no blood diamond on my hand!). Its so sparkly that it was hard to get a good picture! He knew my ring size and it fits perfect, no sizing necessary.

Friday, September 29, 2006



Clockwise from top left: in an Ottoman restaurant with friends from the UK, first dinner in our flat, me in front of Blue Mosque, Alaattin on the balcony reading the paper

Thursday, September 28, 2006

quiet day ahead

Mr. Man had a wisdom tooth pulled out today, poor baby! But it was soooo cheap, around $35 USD! So I get to have a silent day and play nurse. He can't talk, so it will be a peaceful day...Except that I am dog tired - haven't gotten much sleep the last few nights. And our house needs a good cleaning, but that can wait. My headache from yesterday has not yet subsided.

Hot water comes on Monday now...

The next things for me to deal with: LSE & UK gov from accident (still-the shit won't die),
planning the next short trip to London, getting a residence permit for Turkey, A's passport and US visa, and finding work.

The weather here today is lovely! Perfect temp, clear sky and not many people out b/c of Ramadan.

Send me the LOVE!!!!

Oh, great comment Momma!!! Thanks for posting Erin my Las Vegas showgirl ;-) !

Wednesday, September 27, 2006

technicalities all around

Think I've fixed the comment settings Mom.

I'm tired again today. Its evening time now and we've spent all day dealing with the dentist, missing the gas hook up man (again! now hot water is waiting 'til next Monday), and the internet.

A friend from London is in town for a few days. We spent yesterday with her in the center of Istanbul, A bargained fab deals for her in the Grand Bazaar. We got home late last night exhausted, finishing dinner around midnight.

Pics up soon...

Monday, September 25, 2006

New blog for a new life!

Super Z in London Town is now outdated! I will keep it up and online for sentimental reasons for now, and so all my fans can be easily redirected to the new blog. This is my new blog for my new life in Istanbul.


Yes, life begins once I am online! Hee hee....
Finally we have the internet at home! To get this amazing technology was such a PAIN IN THE ASS...the technic service kept putting us off for days. So this afternoon once we got going we had to go to the telecom place which sent us on a 10 minute walk to the head office where they said a guy would come before 6pm.
And good thing he did--I really didn't know how to set it up. I spent a few hours this morning trying.
Now my man is reading his paper in peace on the balcony without me bugging really is better for him that I am online. He only uses the net for play while I use it to connect to the world.
If ya want my contact info, send me an email or comment on the blog!