Super Z in Istanbul


Tuesday, October 09, 2007

Mission Possible

To answer your question Erin:

Becky has been SOOO BUSY its driven her crazy. But she is recovering and will update you shortly.

OK, guess I couldn't wait. Here's the short end news feed:

*shortly after I caught the cold, I was wounded on the field of clumsiness while not wearing my eyes, stabbed in the hand by a rogue broken coffee cup. The shard punctured my hand causing a need to find a field medic quickly. I was stitched up with a few stitches.

*a few days later I was sent on a new mission, sending me into the wilderness of Sofia, Bulgaria. Shortly after entering the battlefield, the enemy attacked without my knowledge, pillaging me of a few hundred $'s, top-secret IL driver's license, credit cards and escape ticket. It was a disaster. I was rescued by my comrade, a Peace Corp soldier and awful, cheap white wine the locals sold in a market.

I was happy to be back in civilization after that episode, returning to homebase.

*upon returning from the disasterous mission, a new mission started 2 days later: a Trade Fair/Conference for work. SELL, SELL, SELL, SELL! It was a successful mission, but for long 4 days I was in the field, full of friend and foe, unable to tell the difference due to their clever disguises. Days began at 8am and didn't finish until as late as 1:30am in the name of strategy.

*my missions are over for now. Dad got in on Friday and we've been playing tourist, eating and catching up. Its been wonderful. I don't want him to leave!!! I'm also working, catching up with a crazy 2 weeks.

So that's where I've been....