Super Z in Istanbul


Thursday, November 30, 2006

and the results are?

I have to wait another 90 minutes to find out the results of my master's degree exams online, at least that's what the LSE website says...

I KNOW I passed. I could have emailed my tutor before now to find out the results, but I figured I'd wait. My best bud from my program got his results, with the highest possible grade awarded. However I don't think his genius rubbed off on me over the course of the year. I kept up with my work and reading, I studied hard for the exams.

LSE's grading system is whacked. 50+ is Passing. 60+ is a Merit. 70+ is a Distinction. Its impossible to get over a 75. 90+ is reserved for the Queen.

Its really hard to fail (even though one of my good friends failed her exams, but that was her own doing). Even if a student fails the exams and/or dissertation, everyone has a 2nd shot.

I worked my ASS OFF all year because I was aiming for a Merit. Granted my dissertation is yet to be handed in and graded deciding my overall grade, but the exam grades are a good indicator of how it will be awarded.

Once again, the grade for the entire degree is determined by 2 factors: exam score and dissertation score. ALL exams are taken in June, regardless if the course was in the Fall.

I'm not exactly feeling the "anxiety" of it all to the best of my knowledge, but maybe I am. I have only my dissertation left to finish my degree. So much of life has felt like its been up in the air for months. And of course after leaving London I entered into a whole new realm of "what happens next???".

I don't handle uncertainty well. Although some people say I do. I appreciate encouraging comments.


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