Super Z in Istanbul


Wednesday, January 10, 2007

stupid balls

I know I am a person with a lot of friggin balls...but I'm not so sure now if I have a lot of balls or if I'm just plain stupid.

I found out why the class I taught for 2 weeks is no longer my class-the men liked me, then women did not....Maybe it had to do with 2 out of 4 classes the women weren't there? Who knows...Berlitz (here) is a business, the students are customers (can you relate to that Liz?). So 2 students can spoil a class of 6+. I'm not offended, nor do I take it personally.

My private lesson and my class went well today. I think....who knows....

I'm friggin exhausted. Its 12:30am and we just finished dinner. Super-A has a job interview tomorrow, cross your fingers, pray for us, dance around a fire naked and howl at the moon (my preferred method of worship)-whatever you do, we need it. This job pays 150% the average wage for him...

Tomorrow 2 teachers I was in training with are coming to my house. I will take them to Migros for shopping. 1 is going to look at our flat and decide if he wants to move in and pay us rent. He's a really cool dude-an archeaologist with American, Israeli & British passports, from Brooklyn. He's here to do fieldwork and get teaching experience. He's doing his PhD at Cambridge in the UK. I think he would make a great roomate.

So hopefully this week will go well.......

And as for the "am I stupid" bit...I keep thinking this was a stupid move for me, not in terms of my relationship but possibly for my future career-if I stay in Turkey that is. My induction to Turkish life seems to be right on, the constant worrying about money. Like everyone else here. I guess everything is a trade-off: my relationship rocks and my economy sucks.

I stood at the bus stop for 15 minutes waiting for the bus home from work, just wondering if I'm brave or stupid.

C'est le vie.


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