Super Z in Istanbul


Wednesday, December 06, 2006

"Goal Driven Unsavoury Bitch" on the path (to my happy destiny)

I told work I'd be there at 10am. I got there at 10:35. No one noticed or cared. I watched videos for a few hours. I was sort of trained. I prepared a lesson plan. I practiced the lesson plan. The 36 hour training was cut down to 5. The training guy told me it was easier than he thought it would be to train me. I left at 4:50pm and A met me outside work. I ate a kebab. We went to the other center after being on the bus for over an hour. I taught 3 lessons to 6 students who are high level intermediate business English. I made it through all 3 lesson plans, as planned.

It was funny because one of the units was about marriage.
Of course at the end it comes up,"Are you married Rebecca?"
"But you're wearing a ring."
"I'm engaged."
Questions ensue. I laugh and say all of you who are married shouldn't scare me now!

Just a little ironic, since I told work when they interviewed me that I am not married or engaged. (I took off my ring.) I'm just not used to this "status" and definitely not used to being asked by employers about my status. I don't know this culture and the etiquette, but from what I've found not much is off limits when it comes to personal questions. I'm used to my business being just that-MY business. If I don't wanna tell you, then I won't.

We got on well and they like me (I heard them talking in the hallway after they left.
One student said,"She's great! Neomi, who's Neomi? ."
I don't think they could tell it was my first EVER class.

I'm tired. Super A took me to work today, walked around and met a friend, then took me to the next center and waited for me. Poor thing has a sore throat and the beginning of a cold from being outside so much today.

When I came home I heated up soup and made some pasta and then drank a beer.

So teaching 3 units at 40 minutes each, I made $33 today. OK, so the pay isn't great, but comparing it to my last real job making $14 an hour with HIGH stress, its a cake walk.

So I guess all of my language courses have paid off, hahaha.

Its a little bogus though because you don't get to take home any of the materials, which means you have to prepare lessons in the center. I think the center is a little disorganised in function, but whatever. I do tend to be a stickler for those things after having been an Admin Assistant for years. I want efficiency and flow.

Somehow this is on the path to my happy destiny. Hindsight is 20/20, the pieces fall into place when you look back on it all, right Mom????

I'm still not calling myself an English Teacher. God it sounds depressing. Call me a Consultant, an Analyst or an Expert. "Goal Driven Unsavoury Bitch" even sounds better than "English Teacher".


  • At 4:11 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    There is a reason for everything. Not always a good reason, but it is there, none the less.


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