Super Z in Istanbul


Wednesday, December 13, 2006

a little better

Yeah so today is a little better....

Super-A has been super-ill. We went to the doctor this week and he's on the road to feeling better. What we thought was a cold/flu last week is more serious than we thought. I'm not 100% clear on the diagnosis, but I understand the problem. A "cold liver". Don't even ask me to explain it. It will take a week of rest and injections for him to recover.

I'm feeling a bit better about it. This is the first time I've had to take care of someone who's sick all the time. I tend to be over-attentive. Its been really crazy to me to see how much him being sick affects me emotionally. I can't be an island...not that being an island was all that much fun either.

I'm taking a short break from paper writing at the moment. I feel much better now that I'm actually in the writing process. I just have to get this shit done. I think my words will flow a bit easier after this break, after this beer.

I'm really excited to come home next week. Super A mentioned that if he would have gotten the visa we both would be leaving tomorrow. I asked him not to talk about it. I can't put any more energy into thinking about that. I'm just really praying that things work out to bring him to the US on a spouse visa in a year...

I will be signing my contract for work in January. And then I will look for a better job. I made 1 teacher friend who is leaving the company in a month, she offered to introduce me to people she knows. We talked a bit about the company and unfortunately it isn't run as well as I hoped. Hopefully landing a decent job with a decent company won't be an insurmountable task. I can see how it could negatively impact my attitude towards being here, which directly impacts my relationship. I hate that nationality plays so much in personal relationships, especially being a student in Nationalism.

My lesson last night went well. It was a little rough though, we usually start at 7:15. At that time last night only 2 out of 7 students were there. 3 more came much later, 2 of which missed last week. So it was quite a task in changing the lesson plan momentarily and catching them up and keeping the others occupied and interested. We went over uses of "will" and "would " and "IF clauses" which is called something else in their book...discussing grammar and nit-picking it confuses the hell out of me, some of the students want a solid explanation for WHY it is as it is, and a formula. How the hell do I know??? Its friggin English, which doesn't make sense! I much prefer languages such as Japanese (written in Latin script), Serbo-Croat or Turkish that are 'newer' in the modern world. They make more sense. The way you see it is the way you say it. The letters don't change sounds. They also don't use personal pronouns.

I let them know that we are getting into particular grammatical details of the language, and 50% or more of native speakers say these things wrong. Good excuse, eh?

Tomorrow's lesson won't be so bad, and my private lesson on Saturday should go smoothly, considering this student wasn't there last night. So I can just catch him up.

I am hoping I can keep this class in January, at that time they will be on Level 7 of Business English. They're a great group, correcting each other and very willing and eager to speak. Regardless of my feelings about being a teacher, this should be very good for my CV. Impromptu teaching and presentations...

I guess I should go back to writing...


  • At 4:38 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Are you teaching British English or American English? You use both regularly so one could be even more confused.


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