Super Z in Istanbul


Tuesday, October 09, 2007

Mission Possible

To answer your question Erin:

Becky has been SOOO BUSY its driven her crazy. But she is recovering and will update you shortly.

OK, guess I couldn't wait. Here's the short end news feed:

*shortly after I caught the cold, I was wounded on the field of clumsiness while not wearing my eyes, stabbed in the hand by a rogue broken coffee cup. The shard punctured my hand causing a need to find a field medic quickly. I was stitched up with a few stitches.

*a few days later I was sent on a new mission, sending me into the wilderness of Sofia, Bulgaria. Shortly after entering the battlefield, the enemy attacked without my knowledge, pillaging me of a few hundred $'s, top-secret IL driver's license, credit cards and escape ticket. It was a disaster. I was rescued by my comrade, a Peace Corp soldier and awful, cheap white wine the locals sold in a market.

I was happy to be back in civilization after that episode, returning to homebase.

*upon returning from the disasterous mission, a new mission started 2 days later: a Trade Fair/Conference for work. SELL, SELL, SELL, SELL! It was a successful mission, but for long 4 days I was in the field, full of friend and foe, unable to tell the difference due to their clever disguises. Days began at 8am and didn't finish until as late as 1:30am in the name of strategy.

*my missions are over for now. Dad got in on Friday and we've been playing tourist, eating and catching up. Its been wonderful. I don't want him to leave!!! I'm also working, catching up with a crazy 2 weeks.

So that's where I've been....


  • At 5:27 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Ah! I'm so glad you wrote, but so NOT glad you got accosted by the enemy. That truly sucks. Thank goodness you have the resiliency to get you through it. Or the insanity. Whatever works. :)
    Tell yer dad I said "Hello"


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