Super Z in Istanbul


Wednesday, January 31, 2007

hard to handle

Today was a long day, even though I slept in. I just couldn't seem to wake when the alarm went off. I had been up late last night on skype with a friend. I got home from work at 11:30, ate dinner at 12:30...

One of my students brought in cookies for my birthday today. It was really sweet of her to do that. I would have been just as happy had they forgotten. Its just not the sort of thing I want to make a big deal of.

And somehow I am tired right now, even though my day didn't consist of much. I think hibernation mode is setting in with the cold January weather.

I found out today one of my friends, also a coworker, is leaving the job in a few weeks. He got a great job offer in Dubai. He's screwing the company and is just going to up and leave-I don't blame him. It also means that they won't have anyone to cover his 40-hour per week workload. So they'll be calling me. It puts me in a good bargaining position, as I want to ask for more money. But whether or not I take his hours will depend on if my dissertation is done. It can be, I'm planning that it will be. So we'll see. I just don't like this job. My $11 an hour isn't really that much after the lesson planning and administrative paperwork is added in. This is not an easy country to handle...


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