Super Z in Istanbul


Sunday, August 19, 2007

Word of the Day

OK, this is like one of the creepiest things that happened to me this morning. (I'm not gonna even mention my wierd ASS dream don't want to be psycho-analyzed over it.)

So I'm sound asleep in bed. Feel like some little bug is biting my arm, it knocks me into a slight consciousness, I sit up, smack my arm, shake out the top sheet. Go back to sleep.

Of course I was on the edge of slight consciousness for the rest of the night, heard the imam's 4am sound off.

Then when it was still sleep time, but with bright daylight pouring in, I feel a biting on my knee.
Smack it off. Then a biting on the side of my leg. That prompted me to sit up in bed and scream. Super A wakes up nasty and growling "What now?!!"

I point to my leg, yelling,"LOOK! LOOK! GET RID OF IT!!"

He of course disposed of the nasty little thing and calmed me down. (Oh, so 'caterpillar" is his new word of the day.)

Still don't know how the fucker got in the house, let alone my bed.

And why is it whenever there's a bug in the bed it chooses me to bite or crawl on??? Not that its all THAT common of an occurance, but if it happens, it happens to me.

He says its cuz I'm white. Maybe he's too hairy and smelly for the taste of creepy crawlies. (He's not "smelly", just man smelly, you know what I mean ladies, musky. He's gonna kill me if he knows I wrote this...)

Oh and just a note, when I wake up with a scream or an AAAAAAHHHHHH! he isn't mean because he's an asshole....its just that I have a tendency to do that, like scream when I'm just a little startled. Less than 2 weeks ago I was having a scary dream and he just touched my back in his sleep and I screamed. He says it scares him, I think its kinda funny...


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