Super Z in Istanbul


Thursday, June 07, 2007

Trip to the Dentist

What a day! I went to the dentist knowing that I needed a fillling. What I didn't know was that the tooth (a molar) already had a filling and it needed to be replaced. Really, not that big of a deal.

But what I didn't expect was that she would also have to take off a crown from another tooth and redo it. It wasn't fitted properly, and I knew it was a little painful, but I didn't think of it as a big deal. Of course with the language barrier, she took the fucker off without my protest. It wasn't until it was off that I realised what she wanted to do. AARRGG! Ok, so the damn thing did need to be replaced, but I wasn't planning on the added expense today. Granted, its a hell of a lot cheaper to do it here than the USA, but I'm trying to SAVE money now!

I really can't complain about the cost overall, the last time I had a crown in the USA cost about $500 or maybe a little more. Here its costing me $165 - total. For the filling, she made it a natural tooth color and it cost a total of $45.

She is a really nice dentist and gentle. She also had really cool computer imaging equipment, so she took picture of it before and after. As much as I complain about being a foreigner here, it does come with some added advantages-people want to be your friend.

After that, I went to have the hair on my upper lip removed and my eyebrows done. Here they do facial hair removal by a technique called "threading". Yes, all they use is thread. Its better than waxing because wax can burn and also removes the top layer of skin. Threading exfoliates and also pulls the follicle out, which is why its better than tweezing. Tweezing breaks the hair and that's why it grows back thicker than before. I've seen places that do it in the US. It hurts a bit on the upper lip, you automatically tear up. I also needed it done on my chin, and she ended up doing MY WHOLE FACE. It kinda hurt and left my face red and blotchy right afterward, oh the sensitive skin!

So that was my day. Exciting huh? Uh no, not really. I'm not in the best of moods right now. My spirits have been a bit low lately and I haven't been feeling very good about myself. I've generally been a bit bored. Work is so-so. It has its perks but I'm just hanging in and hoping it turns into more come October.

I'm also sad about not being able to take a trip back to the US until the Fall. I need a trip every 6 months and I'm due for one now. But I'm not taking one because of work. I really wanted to have a graduation party, I'm still not excited or particularly proud of graduating.

I have 2 things to look forward to this month: 1) My friend Caitlyn is coming to visit for 5 days at the end of the month and 2) I'm flying to London for 5 days after her visit.


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