Super Z in Istanbul


Friday, May 11, 2007

Curve Balls

OK, so we all know life has a funny way of throwing curve balls at us. Yet it doesn't make it any less suprising when it happens.

I think it was 2 weeks ago that I got an unexpected email with a job offer. I hadn't applied to the job or inquired about the company even. I went in for a meeting with the HR Director. I planned to say no to the offer because I knew it wouldn't be enough money and the lucrative option would be for me to return to Chicago.

My expectations turned out to not be the case. She offered me what I would have asked for. The company's CFO, a former student of mine, told her that I am "the best" and his recommendation was all she needed to offer me the job.

This week was my first week on the job teaching English to the top managers of a growing media conglomerate. I was not sure of their expectations, nor how exactly to go about this job. But this week went well.

At the company employees and managers eat in separate dining rooms. And I say dining rooms because it is nothing like a cafeteria! There are waiters, a nice buffet with excellent food and even wine glasses used for water and soda. And of course, its all free. Guess where I eat? Yes, in the VIP dining room.

This afternoon I "taught" an hour with the CFO. I wasn't really teaching, we just sat and talked. I felt like a therapist. We sat in the leather chairs in his office and I gave him advice about his confidence and small things he can do to improve his skills.

Its such a big difference from teaching in at the English school. These people are very motivated to learn and keep me on my toes. They are already at an intermediate level and desperately want to improve. The other bonus and challenge to this job is that since I am teaching a high level of business, finance and HR English, in 6 months I will probably have equivalent to an MBA.

So like I said, its going well. Its a hell of a lot of preparation. I also have a lot to live up to since I'm "the best". But they really like me, so that will take me VERY far. So much of this culture is personality.


  • At 4:26 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    This is the posting I've been waiting for! What wonderful news! I'm so glad to see someone appreciate you - and you to appreciate that.


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