Super Z in Istanbul


Saturday, June 09, 2007

A missed chance at stardom

I missed possibly my one and only chance to be on television and I have no regrets about it.

Last week while Super A and I were out for a walk in a touristy part of the city, we were approached by a small group of people asking us if we'd do an interview (in front of a tv camera) about a foreign woman and a Turkish man living together in a serious relationship. We agreed. It was a short 5 minute interview (in Turkish of course). They said they were doing a t.v. show. I was thinking it was a documentary style show...

I was a little off in my perception. It is a reality tv show, a contest between couples. He would have to film me for A MONTH, not a day like I suspected. They wanted to give him a camera to film me for a month making dinner (Turkish meals), cleaning, serving him, etc. to show how a foreign woman adapts into Turkish society.

When we got home and spoke about it, we agreed, NO WAY!!! How humiliating! Our new apartment is, ahem, crap, unlike our old one. We couldn't imagine putting it on national television. Plus, we share the household responsibilities (sometimes he does more than me even). There's also a safety factor to consider: I'm a stand-out "yabanci" (=foreigner in Turkish) with my short hair and am picked up daily by a chauffer in car driven by a media company. What a kidnapping that would be!

He irons better than me. He cleans better than me. He hand washes clothes better than me. And the man who was afraid of the washing machine in October runs the damn thing better than me . Often he cooks better than me. Not to mention my principles.

"You want coffee? It's in the kitchen."

"You want me to do WHAT? I think you need to find yourself a different

"If you like long hair so much find another girlfriend."

This week while I was cleaning the balcony the landlady popped her head out of the upstairs window to praise me cleaning.

So we turned down the opportunity at public humiliation. A shot at 50K is one thing, but I don't enter such a contest unless I know I will win. And I know I wouldn't. I'm not up for raw deals.

Making an ass of myself is a normal routine. I trip on sidewalks all the time. My size is very large in this country. Now put me on a stage trying an attempt at comedy, I'm there. Add a camera and I look like a fat heifer waiting to be butchered, screw off. Reality tv isn't my style of public humiliation.


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